

Don't tell Alex, but I found the perfect present for her birthday next month on Etsy:
JackieMoon crochet patterns on Etsy
Awesome, right? Except it's a crochet pattern, so I guess I'll have to learn to crochet if I'm going to get these for her.

Crochet designer Jackie Moon was sweet to send my first PDF crochet pattern right away, and I ran to JoAnns for supplies before Alex got home from school.

Found this yummy worsted (whatever that is) "denim" yarn and an ergonomic crochet hook - ON SALE! You know Alex loves BLUE, so she will really like this color. What do you think I should pick for the ribbon stitches; black, silver, maybe red, or rawhide?

Here is my old stitch dictionary I found at a yard sale when I was Alex's age. What a treasure it has been over the years! This is how I taught myself embroidery. Let's hope it works as well for crochet. Any advice?

1 comment:

  1. I love this site for any help - you have to start at the first post not the last post - If that makes sense. A really good site for help etc.
    Good luck, they look great. Think that white laces would look nice, or pale leather colour.


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