
Steven's Hamburger Backpack

This is my most favourite project ever!

Alex was Steven for Halloween.

Thus, she needed a Hamburger Backpack. Good Grief, Charlie Brown, how will I ever make that?

Well....I did:)

I just kept studying the picture Alex got me, cutting strips and adding zippers.
Here is why I love this project:

  • estimated yarded perfectly, hardly any scraps
  • "onion" straps just right
  • managed to get all 3 zipper openings nearly aligned
  • used 12" and 14" diameter pan lids from the kitchen as templates for just right size
  • mix of sports materials worked, nothing too heavy or too light
  • "bun" top gathered perfectly
  • all done in 4 hours!
  • We worked together <3 alex="" all="" buttons.="" did="" handwork="" li="" like="" seed="" sesame="" the="">
I made hamburger pack in 3 parts: straps/back, cheese pocket, top.
The special trick was making the cheese pocket last, after adding the "lettuce" and "meat" strips to each side of the cheese.
Then the tomato zipper and back were added to meat side of cheese, and lettuce zipper with bun top were added to lettuce side of cheese.
Best part - Hamburger Backpack came home full of Halloween candy LOL.
Kitty Pumpkin
Happy Halloween


  1. I am totally amazed! You did a great job on this.

    1. Thanks for reading, Valerie! It was super fun sewing Halloween together:)


Thanks for reading! I will reply ASAP :) --KP